воскресенье, 22 апреля 2007
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Описание трейлера:The new trailer will contain a great deal of new images from the upcoming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix film. Included are many new scenes such as the flight on the Thestrals, the Centaurs, the exciting (and gloriously havoc filled) exit and flight from Hogwarts of Fred and George, scenes with Umbridge talking as well as Filch hammering up the new Proclamations. In addition are more stunning things such as the DA lessons with Harry (even a Patronus lesson), an incredible shot of Voldemort by the Hogwart's Express, Snape, the Order of the Phoenix flying over the river Themes through London, short scenes with Sirius, the Trio, Bellatrix, Dumbledore and Fudge in the Ministry, as well as one amazing glimpse of Azkaban prison.
Транскрипт трейлераTrailer opens with a scene of the DA
Harry, Ron & others on threstrals flying towards Hogwarts
Umbridge walking through the halls waving her ward towards 2 students kissing & stopping them
Snape hitting Ron on the head
Twins flying through great hall causing mayhem
Umbridge in class saying 'things at Hogwarts are worse than I feared'
Proclamations being put up
Harry seeing Voldemort at train station in front of the Hogwarts Express
Voice over 'you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again'
Proclamations being put up
Harry & gang running down hill
Umbridge instructing Harry that ‘This is a lie’
Harry replies that ‘it’s not a lie, I saw him’
Proclamations being put up
Dumbledore telling the ministry that the ‘Dark Lord’s return is incontrovertible'
Fudge replies “He’s not back”
Students viewing all the proclamations
Fudge announcing that Umbridge has been made headmaster of Hogwarts
Harry slamming a wall
Umbridge giggles in front of Harry, Ron & Hermione
Ron mumbles ‘Blimey’
Voice over ‘the dark lord approaches’
Voice over ‘he wants to build up his army’ shows his followers
Harry ‘if Voldemort is building up an army I want to fight’
Harry hitting a wall
Proclamations shatters
Harry & Sirius at train station, Sirius says ‘it’s your turn now’
Ron talking
Members of the DA flying over London on the way to the MoM
Scenes from the DA practicing
Image of Fudge with Harry looking up
Voice over of Umbridge ‘I will have order’
Members of the DA flying over London
Hargrid ‘the ministry is going to have the a full uprising on their hands’
Harry flying
Hermione ‘it’s exciting isn’t it breaking in & all’
Ron replies ‘who are you & what have you done with Hermione Granger’ Dumbledore
Scene of MoM
Harry looking frighten
Dumbledore ‘don’t fight him Harry, you can’t win’
DA running through MoM
Voldemort waving wand
Hermione running into Harry arms
Harry screams 'look at me'
Harry flying backwards towards wall
Voldemort ‘you will lose everything’
Umbridge, Filch, Malfoy
Harry being held by Prof. Lupin as he screams
Fight at MoM
Harry kissing Cho
Glass breaking
WB/movie logo
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какой Лорд, какой Ронни, какой Гарри в конце концов!!!!!
Момент где Снейп (обожемоооооооооой!!!!!!) дает подзатыльник Рону)))))))
Близнецы!!!!! ААААаааааааааааааааааа....
Так хочется нормального качества)))
А еще больше фильма))))
Вообще я обзавелась ночным кошмаром, что Снейпа в фильме почти не будет...
Часы на компе переведи - помогает)
спасиб, я уже youtube посмотрела
Что-то она часто стала running into Harry arms...
Jenni, спасибо вам огромное за такую прелесть)))
Очень круто, но почему Волд в пиджаке???
Вопрос а в наших кинотеатрах кто-нибудь ролики видел?
не, интуиция мене не обманет! Вас тоже понимаю - в трейлеры всегда самое "вкусное" нарезают, но, тем не менее, вон как дети верещат, не станут же так на пустом месте орать!