JKR давеча обновила на своем
сайте разделы "
Дневник" - написав, что "будьте осторожны с вашими желаниями - они могут сбыться", "
F.A.Q.", указав, что множественное число слова "хоркрукс" - "horcruxes", "
Слухи", где рассказала о критериях выставления оценок на экзамене W.O.M.B.A.T. и пообещала вскорости сделать еще один, более сложный тест, "
Мусорная корзина", где заявила, что люди с избыточным весом не приравниваются к "плохим" в мире ГП, и "
Новости", где сообщила о том, что 1-го и 2-го августа она примет участие в благотворительном вечере в Нью-Йорке "AN EVENING WITH HARRY, CARRIE AND GARP", где будет читать книги вместе со Стивеном Кингом и Джоном Ирвингом.
Обновления тут.Section: Diary
MAY 10th
Be careful what you wish for, it might come true. Since complaining that I had difficulty finding anything to write on after running out of paper while working in town, I have been deluged with paper. Some of you sent single sheets, others entire pads, one enterprising paper merchants sent a large stack of notebooks embossed boldly with J K ROWLING, which I might not use in public, but which are very lovely all the same. Others took a different approach, telling me exactly where you can buy writing paper in Edinburgh; some even enclosed maps. Anyway, I've now got enough paper to write several book sevens, so no excuse there.
I've been having house-elf trouble this week, though I think I've got them sorted out now. I'm all for house-elf rights, but the author is dictator and the sooner they accept that, the better.
Section: F.A.Q.
Is the plural of 'Horcrux' 'Horcri?'
No, the plural of 'Horcrux' is 'Horcruxes', as demonstrated by the eponymous chapter in 'Half-Blood Prince.'
Section: Rumours
The W.O.M.B.A.T.* was graded to ensure that everybody passed
There were many variations on this rumour, for instance, you only needed two correct answers for an 'Outstanding', one for 'Exceeds Expectations', and everybody else got an 'Acceptable'. I have also been asked whether grades were assigned at random. All such rumours are false. I wrote the examination, determined the marking scheme (which was quite complicated) and set the Grade levels, so you can take it from me, as the sole examiner, that if you received 'Acceptable' or higher you really earned your grade. Of course, this meant that some people had to fail, but what would be the point of putting you through all that work without giving you honestly earned rewards?
Incidentally, shame on the people who thought the whole thing was a twisted April Fool's joke. For one thing, the exam actually went up on March 31st. For another – when have I ever been that cruel??
*In case you missed it, the W.O.M.B.A.T. test was revealed when the 'Do Not Disturb' door last opened. Another (more advanced) W.O.M.B.A.T. will appear in due course.
Section: Rubbish Bin
Symbol(s): Pure Garbage
JKR has no right to talk about the glorification of unhealthily underweight women in some sections of the media, because there's a fat boy in her books.
There have been several variants of this story, all of which were written by people who had either never read past chapter two of 'Philosopher's Stone', or chose simply to ignore what the rest of us fondly term 'facts'. I thought of listing all the many characters in the Harry Potter books who are on the plumper side, to demonstrate what a very diverse group of personalities they are, how they include several of my most important, admirable and lovable characters, and how 'overweight' in no way equates to 'bad' in my fictional world... but Andy from Mugglenet has done it for me. See http://www.mugglenet.com/infosectio...n/fatfem.shtml. Andy, I really owe you, because I've used the time you saved me to type up half a chapter instead!
Section: News
Wednesday 10 May 2006
JKR to read in New York with John Irving and Stephen King
On the nights of the 1st and 2nd August 2006 I will be reading at Radio City Hall in New York, alongside John Irving and Stephen King, in "AN EVENING WITH HARRY, CARRIE AND GARP".
All proceeds from the event will go to The Haven Foundation (an organization that helps performing artists whose accidents or illnesses have left them uninsured and unable to work) and Mеdecins Sans Frontiеres/Doctors Without Borders (an international independent medical humanitarian organization that delivers emergency aid to people affected by armed conflict, epidemics, natural or man-made disasters, or exclusion from health care in more than 70 countries).
Tickets ranging from $12.50 to $100 will be available through Ticketmaster from May 12, 2006 at 10 a.m (which is 3 p.m. in the UK).
Telephone numbers:
212-307-7171 (New York City)
212-307-1000 (MSG/RCMH hotline)
201-507-8900 (NJ)
845-454-3388 (Westchester)
631-888-9000 (Long Island)
203-368-1000 (Connecticut)
(Limit 8 tickets per purchase)
Pairs of prime orchestra seats will also be available via a Ticketmaster auction online. A limited number of “Family Packages” which will include 4 premium orchestra seats and a set of three signed books – one from each author – will also be on sale at that time for $1,000. Anyone who purchases a ticket will have the opportunity to submit a question for the authors via email.
This is the first reading I've done in America since 2000, so I'm looking forward to it very much and hope to see some regular jkrowling.com visitors there!