Подарок от JKR к Хэллоуину
| воскресенье, 31 октября 2004
У JKR на
сайте вновь открывается дверь!
На этот раз нам приоткрыта тайна названий трех глав из 6-й книги.
Порядок открытия двери и названия этих самых глав читайте здесь.
1. When you go to JKRowling.com, click on the hairband that sits right next to the big "Fansites" key. That will bring you to the room with the door.
2. Wait "outside" the door until Peeves comes by and drops a bunch of keys.
3. Once the keys start swirling around, put your curser in the middle of them and right click. When you "grab" a key, drag it over to the lock on the door and release the mouse button. If they key doesn't work (i.e. it returns to the other keys), try the same thing again. Eventually, one of the keys you try will turn the lock and open the door.
4. Once inside the door, click and drag the drawer on the left hand side of the desk. When you click and drag it, it will open.
5. Click on the magnifying glass inside the drawer and drag it over the note on top of the brown book (on top of the desk). Release the mouse button and the book and note will enlarge.
6. Type the answer to the riddle (chapters) on the dotted line and press enter.
7. Go to the top of the book and click and drag the files upward. As you do, each of them will reveal the name of a chapter:
chapter 2: Spinners End
chapter 6: Draco's Detour
chapter 14: Felix Felicis