Сегодня с утра JKR читала ГПиОФ и отвечала на вопросы слушателей на Эдинбургском международном книжном фестивале.
Некоторые вопросы и ответы, согласно news.bbc.co.uk:
JK reveals Potter titbits at show
JK Rowling gave fans some tantalising titbits about the future Potter books at her reading at the Edinburgh Children's Book Festival on Sunday.
She said she was well into writing book six. She said she was "just over halfway through it". She added it was her favourite book so far.
"Of course I am the only one who has read it and I think it's rather good."
Two key questions
She did not give much away about book six, which will be called Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but she said a lot of questions will be answered in it.
She also revealed there were two key questions about the whole plot that she had never been asked.
The first is
Why didn't Voldemort die when he tried to kill Harry? JK said that in the end of book four, Voldemort had said he had taken various steps against dying, but we should be wondering exactly what he did.
Dumbledore knows more!
The second question is
Why didn't Dumbledore try to kill Voldemort in that scene at the end of book five?
Dumbledore gave a kind of reason to Voldemort but it's not the real answer, and that Dumbledore knows something more.
JK said if we are wondering about the overall plot, we should be concentrating on those two questions.
She also tantalisingly answered a question about Aunt Petunia. When asked, JK said no, Petunia is not a squib, as she is muggle-born, but...... and left the sentence hanging.
She said we will find out a bit more about her in the other books and that there's more to Petunia than meets the eye!
She also revealed some more general snippets of information, including:
- Abeforth Dumbledore is the barman in the Hogs Head
- Dumbledore's patronus is a phoenix
- Grawp will be more controllable in the sixth book
- We will see a bit more of Rita Skeeter
- There will be a new character called McLagan
- Harry does NOT have a godmother
The full transcript of the Q&A session will be available on JK's official website soon.
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Дж.К. Роулинг подарила поклонникам кое-какие раззадоривающие лакомые кусочки о будущей книге на Детском Книжном Фестивале в Эдинбурге в это воскресенье.
Она сказала, что ей нравится писать шестую книгу. Она сказала, что находится «только на полпути к ее окончанию» и добавила, что пока это ее любимая книга.
«Конечно я - единственная, кто читал ее, и я считаю, что она довольно хороша».
Два ключевых вопроса
Она не рассказала много о 6 книге, которая будет называться «Гарри Поттер и Принцем Полукровка», но сказала, что в ней будут раскрыты многие вопросы.
Она также ответила на два ключевых вопроса:
Первый – Почему Волдеморт умер, когда он попытался убить Гарри? Дж.Р. сказала, что в конце 4-й книги Волдеморт сказал, что он предпринял всевозможные шаги против смерти, но мы должны задаться вопросом: что именно он сделал?
Дамблдор знает больше!
Второй вопрос: Почему Дамблдор не убил Волдеморта в конце 5-й книги?
Дамблдор сообщил некую причину Волдеморту, но это - не настоящий ответ, и Дамблдор знает кое-что большее.
Дж.К. Роулинг сообщила, что если мы хотим разгадать главную загадку поттерианы, то мы должны сконцентрироваться на этих двух вопросах.
Она также ответила на вопрос о Тете Петунии. Роулинг сообщила, что Петуния - не сквиб, потому что она рождена маглой, но ...... и оставила предложение незаконченным.
Она сказала, что мы узнаем о ней немного больше в следующих книгах и что мы будем видеть Петунию чаще, а не беглым взглядом!
Она также дала некоторую общую отрывочную информацию, включая:
- Аберфорт Дамблдор - бармен в «Кабаньей голове»
- Патронус Дамблдора - Феникс
- Грауп станет более управляемым в шестой книге
- Мы сможем видеть Риту Скитер немного чаще
- Появится новый персонаж по имени МакЛаган (McLagan)
- У Гарри нет крестной матери
Полная расшифровка стенограммы сессии Вопросов & Ответов скоро будет доступна на официальном вебсайте Дж.К. Р.
Апдейт. Добавлены рассказы фанатов, которые лично присутствовали на фестивале.
One girl asking a question even prefaced it with 'I love Snape, he's such a complex character', and she still went on about the Alan Rickman thing, which I found to be a little insulting.
When asked if Snape can see Thestrals, and she answered yes, he's seen some nasty stuff with the Death Eaters, but most of the adults in the Wizarding World can probably see Thestrals.
Читать дальше We will add reports from readers as they come in; click to read Emily's brief overview and Kirsty's rather detailed bit!
Emily wrote: We were out queing at 7 am this morning. Lizo from CBBC Newsround was there and I saw him taking down everything that was said. It was by far the best experience of my life. JK was very pleasant and she thanked everybody for being there. She walked in the very front door while we were out queing and everybody there was so dumbfounded that we all went quiet and just looked at her walk in, we didn't even say hello!!
Kirsty wrote:
I just got back from the event. I wouldn't read too much into McLagan. Someone just asked her the old one about where she gets her names, and she happened to mention that she thought McLagan was a wonderful name and that it was too good not to fit in somewhere. As for Dudley, someone asked whether there's more to him than meets the eye, and the answer was a flat out 'no'. She never even said anything about the dementors in 'Dudley Demented', and said that there will be little of the Dursley's in book 6, but that they'll be a little more involved in book 7. From the way she talked about it I would seriously doubt that Dudley has any hidden magical qualities.
And then on Kirsty'sLivejournal:
It was very good - she revealed a lot more than usual. It was mostly children asking the questions, so there were a lot of 'did you always want to be an author' and 'what's the first character you thought up' questions, but there were a few good ones too. Most tantalizingly - for me at least, if for no one else - someone started to ask whether we'll be seeing more of Blaise Zabini, and just as she started to answer with 'Blaise, yes...', the person asking the question interrupted with '... and will we see more of Snape?' I think it was just a badly phrased question, because of course we're going to see more of Snape, but Jo ran with this instead, not saying very much of anything new, leaving me open mouthed at having this precious information dangled in front of my face, only to be snatched away again.
She started on the Slytherin fans again, ascribing support for them to the Bad Boy Syndrome and Tom Felton's dubious appeal (not to disrespect his fans - I just don't see it, myself), and, this time, Alan Rickman too. One girl asking a question even prefaced it with 'I love Snape, he's such a complex character', and she still went on about the Alan Rickman thing, which I found to be a little insulting. Still, enough needless rambling about victimised Slytherins.
Everyone knows by now about Aberforth, Dumbledore's patronus and the rest. I got a few other notes though that I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere.
Someone asked whether Tom Riddle or Voldemort ever loved anybody. She said no; he would never have become what he did if he had, and we'll learn more about it in the future.
When asked if Snape can see Thestrals, and she answered yes, he's seen some nasty stuff with the Death Eaters, but most of the adults in the Wizarding World can probably see Thestrals.
She reiterated that there is no trace of the Half Blood Prince storyline in CoS anymore.
On portraits - they're not as 'fully realised' as ghosts. They're like faint imprints, an aura. They're likely to repeat catchphrases like Sirius's mother.
I don't know if it makes a difference to anyone's timelines - I can't think how it would - but Harry's christening was a fairly private affair because by this point they knew they would have to go into hiding. Harry does not have a Godmother.
On the matter of Petunia: I haven't written it down exactly but both my sister and I agree she did NOT say Petunia is muggle-born. She said she is a MUGGLE, but implied there is more to Petunia. She didn't put a lot of emphasis on it, but there was definitely something she didn't want to reveal.
While I'm on that topic, someone asked if there was more to Dudley than meets the eye, and she replied with a flat out 'no'. I thought this was surprising, considering the effect the Dementors had on Dudley in OotP, but she basically said that with Dudley, what you see is what you get, again mentioning the Dursley's smaller role in Book 6, and that they would reappear for longer in book 7.
It was a really good event in all. She read a passage from Order of the Phoenix - the scene in which they find out Ron has been made prefect - and then there was a book signing. I'm now going to my bed, after getting up at the unholy hour of 5.30 in the morning, which I haven't seen this side of the daytime since I don't know when. Major props to the American girl sitting next to me - that's dedication!
ETA - Sorry for the massive comma abuse in this post. My brain's sort of short circuiting at the moment and I can't keep my sentences from running on.
CNN reported what she said about the possibility of Ron and Hermione being boyfriend/girlfriend by the end of the series:
"I'm not going to say. I can't say. I think I've given quite a lot of clues by now on this subject," she said. "You are going to have to read between the lines on that one."